Team Coaching
Teams work well when everyone feels recognised for their input, understands their role and when everyone understands how the whole team is working together to achieve a shared goal
Do your colleagues have a lack of shared values?
Are there feelings of discontent and unhappiness amongst members of staff?
Could communication and listening skills be better?
Is conflict preventing people from collaborating?
What is team coaching?
We spend a big proportion of our life working, so when relationships with colleagues become fractious, and when team morale decreases — the resulting upset and worry can take over our lives, and negatively impact those around us.
Team coaching is a way to bring together colleagues who are experiencing conflict or are not working together as well as they could do, and teams that have become disconnected. By introducing an external facilitator, all team members are able to contribute and take part in sessions equally. Team coaching provides a structured way to reestablish shared values, find a common purpose, and overcome barriers in a structured, safe and inclusive setting.
Who is team coaching for:
Executive teams
Senior leadership teams
Staff teams
Groups of (two or more) colleagues who would like to improve the way they work together
How does team coaching work:
Team coaching can take place in person or online. The quickest results tend to happen when sessions take place in a neutral space, away from the office, somewhere clients can relax and avoid distraction.
Team coaching tends to involve two half day sessions across a one month period, although the process flexes to the rhythm of the team.
Outcomes of team coaching:
A clear sense of shared values and purpose
Improved communication and listening skills
Deeper professional relationships
Increased capacity for empathy and compassion
Trust and confidence in personal ability, and ability of team members
“I found the coaching so insightful, a really wonderful and inspiring experience. Karen’s calm presence and skilful running of the group sessions made its presence known at every moment.”
& team coaching client