A plant with small globe shaped orange flowers and glossy green leaves being pollinated by a British honey bee

Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing

When people have the confidence to let down their guard, their human and humble behaviour can create a workplace where people feel safer, happier and healthier

  • Are you responsible for the wellbeing or professional development of members of staff?

  • Are you or your staff members feeling stressed and anxious?

  • Are there high levels of long term absence or repetitive staff sick leave in your organisation?

  • Have you noticed a lack of compassion, kindness and generosity in your company culture?

What are workplace mental health and wellbeing sessions:

You walk into your workplace and feel too busy to greet your colleagues. Someone asks you a question and you respond with little thought. Your colleague speaks to you about an issue they’re having and you feel judgemental and irritated. Someone asks if you’re ok, and although you nod your head, you often lie awake worrying about the work you have to do, and if you’re capable of doing it.

Workplace mental health and wellbeing sessions are training for the mind. They are a way to improve mental fitness by learning how to put energy and focus into the things that matter. Those that take part in the training learn a series of different techniques and exercises that lead to a range of workplace benefits including higher levels of focus, efficiency, lower levels of stress, improved levels of emotional regulation and the ability to pause and think before reacting, or making judgements about a person or situation.

Who are workplace mental health and wellbeing sessions for:

  • Leaders

  • Managers

  • Teams of people

  • Full organisations

  • Any member of staff, or group of people, who have a desire to improve their mental fitness by learning how to put energy and focus into the things that matter

How do workplace mental health and wellbeing sessions work?

Workplace mental health and wellbeing sessions can take place in person or online. Programmes tend to last between four to eight weeks, however the programme is tailored to meet the individual requirements of each organisation.

Outcomes of workplace mental health and wellbeing sessions:

  • Greater personal awareness, and increased compassion towards others

  • Increased ability to self regulate, reduce stress and be more resilient

  • Increased confidence, kindness, empathy and patience

  • Increased employee effectiveness and creativity

  • Increased motivation and wellbeing

Karen is a consummate professional who lives and breathes her subject matter, effortlessly helping others to adopt mindfulness into their own lives. She makes people feel comfortable and able to explore safely. Karen’s programme has been transformational for our organisation.”
Julie, manager at Social Sense

& workplace wellbeing session participant

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From small charities to multinationals, I work with businesses that aim to create a compassionate workplace culture

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Wondering if a mental health and wellbeing programme could benefit your workplace?