October 14, 2024

What is transpersonal coaching?

Helping you to define your future, and see where you fit into the world

What is transpersonal coaching?

Transpersonal life coaches help clients to explore themselves from three different angles:

  • unconscious self — their conditioned tendencies, drives, urges, patterns of thinking and feeling that are rooted in the past
  • day-to-day self — their everyday tendencies that are rooted in the here and now
  • Self — their calling and purpose that is rooted in the future

What can I expect from a transpersonal coaching session?

To explore different aspects of your emotions and beliefs. Humans embody the full spectrum of emotion — from great courage and kindness to extreme cruelty. We are all inherently flawed, deeply mysterious and spiritual. With spirituality having nothing to do with religion and all to do with our longing to have a connection with something that is bigger than our self.

How can people benefit from transpersonal coaching?

Transpersonal coaching enables people to see where they fit into the wider world. Once people learn to view themselves as an interconnected being, solutions to challenges and problems arise organically — as people gain the ability to see a wider life with new possibilities.

Coaching with Karen was very comprehensive and full of big surprises. It really got to the core of what makes me tick, why I want to do certain things, and why some things in my life go well and why I make other things much more difficult than they need to be. It’s been an exceptionally powerful experience and I’m much happier as a result.”
Simon, entrepreneur

& coaching client

Typical questions that will be explored in a transpersonal coaching session:

  • Who are you?
  • What’s your purpose and who and what do you serve?
  • What matters most to you?
  • What is your desire?
  • What is your life calling for?
  • Who are you capable of becoming?
  • What’s standing in your way?
  • What do you need to (un) learn?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What do you most love doing?
  • What needs to grow in you?
  • What have you not yet acknowledged?
  • What holds you back most in your life?
  • What creative possibilities are hidden within you?

Nature helps us to reconnect with ourselves

Every time I work with clients in nature, it is not only the clients who benefit, I do too

Read about why I offer coaching outdoors

Who was Parcival and what can we learn from him?

The Arthurian story of Parcival is an accurate representation of how challenging life can be for all of us

Find out about the man behind the myth

Personal and professional development is a way to invest in ourselves. It enables us to live the best possible version of our life, and learn to share our unique contribution with the world

Contact me to request a complimentary coaching session online or outside in Victoria Park, East London